Do you want to lose a few pounds?

Healthy Tip

You don't have to go total vegetarian to be healthy and lose weight -- just eat two or three veggys/fruit before the rest of your meal and you will lose weight, lower your cholesterol and feel healthy!  

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Children often have an intense dislike for vegetables. Sometimes they give in after being presented with a certain vegetable several times, but it’s often a tough fight. One might imagine that it would be difficult to raise a child on a vegan diet.
Starting Young

If you start young, raising a vegan child is less difficult. Breastfeeding is in accordance with vegan principles, and if you can’t breastfeed there are soy-based formulas available that have no animal products in them. So the first few months are easy when it comes to raising a vegan.

Once the infant is ready for something more than liquids, rice cereal is a good first step. Many non-vegan moms include it in their babies’ diets because it is easily digestible and is unlikely to cause an allergic reaction. Its bland taste also makes it palatable to infants who are just beginning to venture into the world of solid foods.
When your child is eating the rice cereal well, you can begin to introduce other vegan-friendly baby foods. You can buy jars of fruits and vegetables from the grocery store, or you can puree foods at home. Raw, mashed fruits are good to start with, followed by soft-cooked vegetables like sweet potatoes. Legumes and soy products may be introduced at around eight months of age.

When Teething Begins
Children who have begun to sprout teeth can begin to eat raw fruits and vegetables. It is important, however, to serve foods in a way that minimizes the risk of choking. Carrot sticks and peeled apple slices are good to start with.
When your child enters toddlerhood, you can begin to introduce more vegetarian food options. Kids often become picky at this stage, so persistence is crucial. Many traditional favorites of children are available in vegetarian versions, such as the following:

- Spaghetti - This or any other kind of pasta can be prepared with meatless sauce.
- French fries - You can use plant oils or bake instead of fry them.
- Grilled cheese sandwiches - Soy cheese can be substituted for regular cheese.
- Pizza - Use soy cheese and top with vegetables.
- Chicken nuggets - Nuggets made out of soy protein are a good substitute for this favorite of many children.
Most kids on traditional diets eat some foods that are vegan-approved. Here are some foods that vegan and non-vegan children can both enjoy:
- Popcorn
- Mixed fruit
- Trail mix
- Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches
- Pancakes
- Fruit juice

Raising vegan children is pretty easy if you start when they are young. Kids enjoy many fruits and vegetables, and those who have not been exposed to meat and other animal products are more likely to conform to a vegan diet.

This article from guideforbetterhealth.com

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